Our Fathers’ Guns

OUR FATHERS’ GUNS is a docu-drama that will follow the family story-based history/journey of a number of firearms as they pass from hand to hand.

Beginning with firearms from the birth of our nation through modern day weapons just beginning their journey, OUR FATHERS’ GUNS will explore the phenomenon which is part and parcel of America’s greatness and freedom.

From Our Fathers' Guns: Winchester model 1873 Repeating rifle -- “The Rifle that won the West” This one was used both in the Indian Wars and for home protection and providing the owner's family with fresh meat. This rifle last saw usage during deer season 2012. The background is leftover wainscoting board from the old family farm built in the early 1800’s outside Chesterfield. MO. One of the first “assault rifles,” it was a hangin' offense to sell or trade these to the Indians.

Winchester model 1873 Repeating rifle — “The Rifle that won the West” This one was used both in the Indian Wars and for home protection and providing the owner’s family with fresh meat. This rifle last saw usage during deer season 2012. The background is leftover wainscoting board from the old family farm built in the early 1800’s outside Chesterfield. MO. One of the first “assault rifles,” it was a hangin’ offense to sell or trade these to the Indians.

Starr revolver from Our Fathers' Guns


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Check out our IndieGoGo campaign! With your support, we’ll be able to show how firearms have been, and still are, instrumental in making America the Greatest Nation on Earth, Become a contributor and help us defend the Second Amendment by promoting, “Education, not Legislation.”

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