REEL MAGIC PRODUCTIONS (RMP) was formed in 2003 to promote live entertainment, primarily within the gaming industry. Due to the massive losses suffered by the gaming industry in 2004 and 2005, RMP was forced to either change direction or perish.
They changed direction and were involved with several productions, including UFC/IFC MMA fighting, from 2005-2008. During this same time, management decided to begin the process of becoming a publicly traded company in order to implement a plan under which they would produce low budget films which would allow a faster return to both the company and its investors.
As fate would have it, in the few months before the company was approved to go public, it would appear that the accountants “came out of the closet” leaving the accounting firm and their families behind. Rumor has it, they settled in France and are running a B&B along with a winery. Simultaneously, the corporate counsel for RMP developed Alzheimer’s and was regrettably not certain if he was a butterfly or a firetruck and had no idea on a daily basis as to the identities of the officers and directors of RMP.
This, in some ways, became a moot point when two of them (corporate officers/directors) passed away within 90 days of each other.
Although these events could, in and of themselves, be turned into a rather dark comedy, the remaining members of the team went on to do other things and in the fall of 2010, the company, along with its assets, was acquired by one of the original founders.
Today, REEL MAGIC PRODUCTIONS is developing and producing cutting edge material for film, television and the internet.